Funds jar

Eat Tacos, Raise Funds: Streats Kitchens Launches Exciting Fundraising Program!

Attention all taco enthusiasts and do-gooders, we’ve got some exciting news that combines your love for delicious eats with making a positive impact! Streats Kitchens proudly introduces its groundbreaking fundraising program, where you can munch on tacos and contribute to your cause simultaneously.

How It Works: Tacos for a Good Cause! 🌮🤝

Are you a part of a sports team, charity, or school club looking to raise funds? Look no further! Streats Kitchens is here to turn your taco cravings into a force for good. Here’s how it works:

Partner Up: Join forces with one of our Streats locations to kickstart your fundraising journey. Whether it’s for a team, charity, school club, or any cause close to your heart, we’ve got your back.

Percentage Power: For every order you and your crew make at the partnered Streats location, we’re giving back! You heard it right – a percentage of each order contributes to your fundraising goals. It’s a win-win situation – you enjoy mouthwatering tacos, and your cause gets the support it needs.

Why Streats for Fundraising?

Community-Centric: Streats Kitchens is all about community, and this fundraising program is our way of giving back. We believe in supporting local initiatives and helping you make a difference in your community.

Versatile Fundraising: The fundraising possibilities are endless. Whether you’re rallying for a sports team’s gear, supporting a charity’s mission, or funding exciting school club activities – it’s your choice, and we’re here to support it.

Easy and Delicious: Fundraising doesn’t have to be complicated. With Streats, it’s as simple as enjoying a meal with friends while making a positive impact. Plus, who can resist the temptation of our mouthwatering tacos?

Get Started Today! 🚀

Ready to turn your taco night into a fundraising fiesta? Get in touch with your nearest Streats Kitchens location, and let’s embark on this journey together. It’s time to eat tacos, raise funds, and make a difference in your community!

Whether you’re a taco enthusiast, a fundraising pro, or both – Streats Kitchens is here to amplify your impact, one delicious taco at a time. Join us in this exciting venture and let’s eat for a cause! 🌮🌟